Whether on Offense or Defense, Echelon Provides Real Solutions
Path to Success
No two clients are the same, so a unique course is virtually always charted; however, many times results are achieved using the following general approach:
- Articulating a well-conceived objective and measurable outcome.
- Analysis of the objective, and determining if it is best reached through business development, legislative advocacy, or a combination of the two.
- Identifying the proper Executive branch entity that can not only most benefit from the client’s product, innovation or service, but that also presents the best opportunity for collaboration.
- Teaming with the appropriate entity in order to craft a message for Congress that is concise, consistent and positively reinforced by hearings, budget/policy documents and staff activity.
- Executing a tangible goal-oriented plan that targets key Members of Congress, Agency leaders and their staffs who, based on personal knowledge, past decisions, areas of jurisdiction, or public statements, are most advantageous to the client’s cause.
- Monitoring Congressional and Executive activity, and sustaining a closed loop of timely and effective communication with Members and their staffs, federal agencies and client decision-makers.
As the strategy is implemented, a strong professional relationship is built with the client to understand competencies, resources, and potential. We work closely together to evaluate political representation, identify contractual vehicles, evaluate customer bases, assess competitors, analyze markets, leverage budget cycles, develop and utilize relevant relationships, and find discriminators that maximize the effective footprint for a particular business issue or goal. By understanding past and current policy and funding, in addition to anticipating change, approaches are then identified and executed in the manner that will most effectively accomplish objectives.
Importantly, an enduring ambition is to define an outcome that will not only satisfy the client’s business objective but one that will also play a value-added role in national security.

A Full-Service Approach
Echelon has a full-service approach that includes, within reasonable limits, addressing any client needs in Washington or elsewhere. Additionally, synergies are constantly being sought—between clients, customers, and industry—to further promote and create business.
Beyond client-specific activity, a read on the pulse of DC is always maintained via personal contact with Members of Congress, their staff, and Executive agency personnel to learn of relevant trends and information. This is done in a variety of settings, including political events, professional forums, and social functions. This contact reinforces the strong network of more specific relationships, assuring open and effective lines of communication whenever the client needs them.
By synthesizing the information gained personally with some of the more administrative approaches to government relations, such as monitoring media, periodicals, reports, and other documents, a comprehensive approach is rounded out to ensure both opportunities and vulnerabilities are not missed. Equally important, the activities of competitors are monitored, and appropriate responses are generated.

Leveraging Suppliers and Partners
An uncommon area of expertise is that of leveraging the political power of enterprise suppliers and partners. The founder was the creator and administrator of the defense industry’s benchmark supplier political database, which has been and continues to be enthusiastically used by the world’s largest government contractor. Client teammates are potent multipliers, yet they are typically unused, underused, or misused; we have the skill to maximize their impact, and consequently to deploy a strong, coherent, legislative force to address an issue.

Finally, while Echelon’s capabilities are extensive, they obviously are not limitless. If a client’s issue or program dictates a solution set that can be only partially addressed, robust alliances with other organizations and individuals are maintained and developed that can be drawn upon to ensure a comprehensive plan is executed. Additionally, in the rare situation where Echelon and its partners cannot serve the client properly, they will be candidly informed and assisted in finding an entity that can.