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National Defense



Scott McClean

Scott McClean


Scott founded Echelon Government Affairs after a decade as a Director of Legislative Affairs for the Lockheed Martin (LM) Corporation and a decade as a founder/partner in a government affairs firm called CarterMcClean LLC (CM).

At LM, he was responsible for congressional relations regarding the most visible, lucrative, and controversial programs in the corporation; among others, these included the F-35, F-22, F-16, F-117, C-130, C-5, P-3, S-3, U-2, and the VH-71.

Moreover, he had two unique areas of responsibility. First, he was LM’s liaison for all DC supplier/partner issues. In this role, he worked with the entire range of domestic and international aerospace companies; furthermore, to maximize their influence on Capitol Hill and in the press, he created the defense industry’s benchmark economic/employment impact database. Second, he was the primary lobbyist for LM’s Advanced Development Programs (ADP, or “Skunk Works”) division, where the corporation’s most high-tech, classified, leading edge work was done.

At CM, he successfully garnered substantial legislative/customer support and funding for clients whose diverse issue areas ranged from defense to homeland security to veterans affairs. Additionally, he also did pro bono work for veterans needing assistance in addressing previously intractable issues that could be solved only at senior levels in Washington.

Throughout his time in DC, Scott’s responsibilities essentially spanned the full national security spectrum—both congressional bodies, both parties, all relevant committees, all states, and all Military Services—developing close relationships in each area. He overcame numerous legislative challenges, many of which were attempts by Congress and/or the Administration to either kill or drastically reduce significant programs.

Before his move to Washington, Scott flew Air Force fighters for 12 years (eight in NATO) as an active duty Weapon Systems Officer (WSO). He then joined the Reserve, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel after working in the Pentagon for nine years; six years were served in the Secretary of the Air Force’s Legislative Liaison Directorate, followed by three years in the Secretary’s International Affairs Directorate.

Scott graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 1986 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Factors Engineering; he earned his Master’s Degree in Aerospace Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1998. He is a member of the Air Force Association, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the Academy of Model Aeronautics, and the National Defense Industrial Association.